Seeing Sound Panel 3: New Spaces
Joanie Lemercier, who is a French artist, focuses primarily on the projection of light within a space and the audience's perception. His interest lies within physical structures including geometry, patterns and minimalistic forms. His work developed through experimenting with stronger concrete structures through exploring physics and philosophy, focusing on how light can be used to manipulate reality. He presented in the Seeing Sound Panel show through his work how he explores the interaction between music and visuals.
Figure 1 - 3: Paper and Light, (Lemercier, 2013)
He started to look at projection from a screen to then projection mapping on origami (Figure 1) moving then onto creative coding which was his entrance into the connection between sound, visual, music and reality. Instead o projecting on a screen, he projected the light into space, to projection all around us to change the form of reality. From projecting onto sculpture to projecting onto buildings, he tries working within different fields moving around the globe, the idea being to bring in entertainment projection from the music industry into the art market. Looking how to blend the different markets together. This relates back to how the mapped projection plays with the structure of the model that was discussed during the workshop. If my piece is not about the image being projected but more about the light that creates these shadows, perhaps I can use this to then highlight the key aspects of that Modroc edge that created the beautiful interesting shadows and play with that architecture structure, maybe a highlighted stream moving along the edge?.
Figure 4: Blueprint, Audiovisual installation (Lemercier and Ginzburg, 2015)
In this collaboration with James Ginzburg, they created their own structure in an industrial context, making it a dark, intense high contrast installation (Figure 2). The idea behind this pieces was looking at the geometric and architectural shapes of the cosmos which were explored through black and white projection. I find myself drawn to this piece because of the structure of hanging screens that play off the layering and perspective idea as well as the interaction between the visuals and the sound. In terms of the visuals, there was a lot of information to take in. I was almost overloaded with the lots of different fast paced visuals. To be able to stand within the structure, listening and watching the piece would be a very immersive experience. This piece also made me think back to the idea the Dr Steve Kennedy and the discussion between noise and chaos. The fast paced visuals gave me that impression of trying to contain and bring order to chaos. The definition of cosmos is an orderly harmonious systematic universe, order and harmony - compare to chaos (Definition of COSMOS, n.d.). ''According to the chaotic universe model, the universe oscillates in time with chaotic dynamics without repeating itself. In this universe model, there is no singularity, big crunch or big rip. The universe evolves depending on the competing between components'' (Aydiner, 2018). In that sense the cosmos is both in order and chaotic and the conversation between them could be quite interesting to explore.
Images / Videos
Figure 1 - 3: Lemercier, J., 2013. Paper and Light. [image] Available at: <> [Accessed 13 December 2020].
Figure 4: Lemercier, J. and Ginzburg, J., 2015. Blueprint. [video] Available at: <> [Accessed 13 December 2020].
Website n.d. Definition Of COSMOS. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 13 December 2020].
Aydiner, E. Chaotic universe model. Sci Rep8, 721 (2018).