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Yi Ting Liong

Projecting Light on to Modroc

Thinking back to the presentation and the Sound and Image Festival and the feedback given then, because the exposed edges were the most interesting part of the model to me, I used the energy models that has more exposed edges and projected light onto it. Experimenting with both with highlighting around the edges slowing around with a mapping circle and shining the whole model. Both having interesting factors, the experiment with the light circle, gives me of the impression of the moon cycle and the attention is drawn to the moving light rather than the model and the shadows being created. I think that lighting up the whole model shows more of the interesting netting and the shadows created add another perspective of it. There is something also almost uncomfortable when looking at the model and the shadow because of the straggle parts together with the shadow. Though uncomfortable it makes me want to look even close and also touch the model and those parts.

Figure 1 - 4: Experimenting with Projection on Mod roc focusing on the edges

(Source: Yi Ting Liong, 2020)

Figure 1 - 4: Projection on Mod roc focusing on the edges video

(Source: Yi Ting Liong, 2020)


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