One of the experiments that I am looking at involves documenting a process so I thought that it would be beneficial to research into how other artists have documented their process in video form. Firstly looking at Rie Nakajima, a sound artist who does a lot of performative pieces as well as other video pieces that can be seen on her website. Looking at the video in Figure 1, Rie along with other artists put on performances that was then live-streamed on YouTube so people were able to watch while being safe. How the performance was documented was by using lots of different angles, some close up to the artists, other are a wider shot encapsulating the whole area, to help the audience have a feel for the space they are working in. In comparison, Heather Hansen's performative piece in the Ochi Gallery (Figure 2) the camera is set in one position from an angle above showing the artists and the audience. There are fades on cuts in her movement to shorted the documentation time. The single shot from above it quite interesting as a possibility is to film from above and only show my hands. This is so that the main focus in on the mod roc and the energy being translated from the hands to the material, taking any connitations away from the surround area and who is modelling it. It is about the mod roc. I think if I were to do a performative piece I would use multiple angle like in Rie's piece to show the space and also how I am interacting with the material.
Figure 1: Cafe OTO Live Stream, (Nakajima et al., 2020)
Figure 1: Heather Hansen | Ochi Gallery, (Hansen, 2014)
Figure 1: Nakajima, R., Taylor, A., Nova, M. and Hayward, C. (2020) Cafe OTO live stream, [online] Available at: (Accessed 16 January 2021).
Figure 2: Hansen, H. (2014) Heather Hansen | Ochi Gallery, [online] Available at: (Accessed 16 January 2021).