Cathy de Monchaux is a British Sculptor who uses a range of materials for example metal, leather, paper and glass creating pieces of work that are almost threatening but also sensual. Many of her works juxtapose elements, pairing harder (even spikes) materials with softer elements. The mix of different materials create a really interesting effect. When looking at some of her works, there is a uncomfortable feeling but also a want to look closer at the details, though it isn't the materials that make me uncomfortable but how they are manipulated to create the sculpture. In her piece, 'Dangerous Fragility', (Figure 1) the sculpture is both held together and also what looks like is held open by hard fasteners and clasps (Johnson, 2013). I feel that there is a relation to some of her sculptures and mine, in terms of the uncomfortableness but wanting to look closer at the details. Relating back to my conversation with Jim, some of her pieces are a series of the same sculptors tied together or 'stitched' together which could be interesting to experiment with (Figure 2). An experiment could be to digitally 'stitch' the models together and also to 'physically' stitch the mod roc models and see how it effects or changes the models.
Figure 2: Sovereign, (de Monchaux, 1999)
Figure 1: de Monachux, C. (2016) Migration. 2016, [online] Available at: (Accessed 15 January 2021).
Figure 2:de Monchaux, C. (1999) Sovereign, [online] Available at: (Accessed 15 January 2021).
Johnson, C. (2013) Femininity, Time and Feminist Art, Hampshire, PALGRAVE MACMILLAN, p. 78.